Change My Life Mastermind Retreat


A weekend away with no kids! Enough said. You will enjoy a weekend of making very few decisions which will leave head space for you to focus on yourself and your needs. You will experience what it feels like to learn different ways of giving yourself time and energy before you give it to others.

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Who doesn’t dream of a couple of nights away with time just for yourself? The way most of us live today is not conducive to boosting our health and wellness – we are constantly on the go and live through doing things for others. Take one weekend for yourself to learn another way of living. A way of living that will not only benefit you, but everyone else in your life.

Our next retreat is the weekend of 23rd – 25th July 2021. It will be held at a luxury resort on the Sunshine Coast right on the beach – you will be able to hear the waves as you go to sleep each night. Two nights without anyone joining you in your bed during the night – sounds great doesn’t it? The weekend will be full of relaxation, learning some new skills (making kombucha, sourdough and gelatin jellies) and plenty of time to plan how you’d like your life to look moving forward. Sound like bliss? It will be!

Are you a tired mum who feels like you’re on a never-ending cycle of sickness at your home? Do you wonder if everyone just got a good night sleep would everything be better, but you don’t know how to make that happen?

Maybe you know you want to feel happy and fulfilled by motherhood but you’re too bloody exhausted so instead you’ve started telling yourself that you must be doing it wrong somehow? 

The first step in the right direction is our Mums Weekend Retreat.

It will help you:

  • learn how to look after yourself (yes in the busyness of every day!)
  • develop a plan to incorporate some “me” time into your life which will not disadvantage your children
  • learn how to improve the immunity of your family so this winter is better than last years
  • show you that you are a great mum and if we combine your love with the right strategies then you will become unstoppable.

Come and get the right support for you, join us for this retreat.